Saturday, April 7, 2007

Truth about Informed Consent

Right now Planned Parenthood is suing the state of South Dakota over HB1166, also known as "informed consent". Basically this law requires an abortionist to tell the woman that the procedure is going to end the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being.

Read the law for yourself here:

In suing the state of South Dakota, Planned Parenthood has shown their true colors by taking the side of the abortionists and NOT the woman. There were documents entered into public record this past session and I was able to pick up a copy of some of those documents. One document in particular is a 71 page document which is part of a "statement of material fact".

I am going to post multiple parts of this document on separate posts. So you can learn the truth about Planned Parenthood and what the pro-abortion advocates really think when it comes to the issue of abortion.

**Please note that everything I post from this point on is coming out of the 71 page document I mentioned above.**